This is a social network blog for recover support services personnel, anyone experiencing alcohol or addiction problems, anyone in recovery and/or anyone who is interested in recovery advocacy, creating positive community changes that focus on recovery as a reality, heighten public awareness and provide a connecting point for all the various recovery stakeholders

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Recently at work I have been tasked to collaborate with a couple of great minds to customize a training tool to help peers in recovery provide services to the recovery community. All the employees of the organization I work for, from bottom to top, are all in recovery.
In 2005, I began a new way of life free from drugs and was also introduced to a whole new wave of "doing things". Words like- recovery oriented systems of care, recovery support services and peer-to-peer programs were completely new to me. It is then and there as a resident and a new recipient to these concepts and life saving services, that I committed to myself to further my recovery and those around me by helping in any way i could.
Like I had mentioned these concepts were just that to me, concepts. I furthered my understanding with peer-to-peer services by becoming a volunteer and later a staff member of the very organization that guided me into a life I had never known was possible for me. I truly believe and have intrinsic faith in what I do and how I can help, and I feel I am not the only one.

We, as peers, continue to guide, motivate, and empower our brothers and sisters in recovery....

A man falls into a hole so deep he can't get out. A doctor walks by, and the man calls for help. The doctor writes a prescription, tosses it into the hole, and walks on. A priest walks by, and the man tries again. The priest writes a prayer, tosses it into the hole, and walks on. Finally a friend walks by, and again the man asks for help. To his surprise, the friend jumps in with him. "Why did you do that?" the man asks. "Now we're both in the hole." "Yes," the friend responds. "But I've been in this hole before, and I know the way out."

I found a little information that may further your understanding. I do hope you check it out.
